English Practical Reader Real images capital and small letters beginning ending and middle sound activities.
Mathematics Practical Reader 1 to 100 counting mathematical concepts inwords counting shapes and coloring activities.
English Workbook It has the recognition of all small and capital letters with concepts of lines and also offers multiple vocabularies.
Mathematics Workbook Colourful pages, 1 to 100 counting, Ten numbers and Teen numbers Edition, subtraction and multiplication.
اردو کی گنگناتی کتاب ا سے س تک ترتیب وار حروفِ تہجی کی نظمیں نظموں کے ساتھ متعلقہ حروف کے ذخیرہ الفاظ
Glorious Drawing Coloring activities should be perform by students with the help of teachers Stencils card making for the various celebration and event at school.
English Practical Reader Real images capital and small letters beginning ending and middle sound activities.
Mathematics Practical Reader 1 to 100 counting mathematical concepts inwords counting shapes and coloring activities.
English Workbook It has the recognition of all small and capital letters with concepts of lines and also offers multiple vocabularies.
Mathematics Workbook Colourful pages, 1 to 100 counting, Ten numbers and Teen numbers Edition, subtraction and multiplication.
اردو کی گنگناتی کتاب ا سے س تک ترتیب وار حروفِ تہجی کی نظمیں نظموں کے ساتھ متعلقہ حروف کے ذخیرہ الفاظ
Glorious Drawing Coloring activities should be perform by students with the help of teachers Stencils card making for the various celebration and event at school.
English Practical Reader It has lots of practice in vowels, middle vowel sounds, two letters words, Words building, rhyming words, phonograms, use of key words and stories etc.
Mathematics Practical Reader Learn about basic shapes polygons and solids, primary secondary and tertiary colours, mental mathematics, use of calculator and edition, subtraction and multiplication.
اردو عملی قاعدہ اعراب، ء اور آ کے الفاظ بھاری آوازوں کی تعریف دو حرفی، سہ حرفی اور چار حرفی الفاظ جملہ سازی، کہانیاں، مشقیں اور سر گرمیاں
English workbook It has grammar, three letters words, sentence making exercise, small and easy question answer phonograms, comprehension and component.
Mathematics Workbook It has inwords counting 1 to 100, regular shapes, ordinal numbers, fraction, time, interesting and easy activities.
Glorious Drawing Coloring activities should be perform by students with the help of teachers stencil cards making for the various celebration and event at school.